Category Archives: Portugal

TerritorialMED Project – Mediterranean Diet in Algarve region

Traditional Algarve nativity scene can be seen at the Old School of Santa Rita

The Seminar “Challenges for Safeguarding and Enhancement of the Mediterranean Diet in the Territories”, held on May 31, 2022, aimed to present the results of the TerritorialMED Project – Safeguarding and Enhancement of the Mediterranean Diet in the regions, funded by the National Rural Network / PDR2020, and to give visibility to the important work started to […]

TerritorialMED Project – Mediterranean Diet in Centro region

Traditional Algarve nativity scene can be seen at the Old School of Santa Rita

The Seminar “Challenges for Safeguarding and Enhancement of the Mediterranean Diet in the Territories”, held on May 31, 2022, aimed to present the results of the TerritorialMED Project – Safeguarding and Enhancement of the Mediterranean Diet in the regions, funded by the National Rural Network / PDR2020, and to give visibility to the important work started to […]

DiMEd: Educational digital resources regarding the Mediterranean Diet

“DiMEd – Mediterranean Diet: multidimensionality as a support for education and professional training”, comprises the development and production of educational resources, in digital format, through a close cooperation between players in the vocational education and training system, research and other local entities. This project covers several themes associated with the Mediterranean Diet, including heritage (cultural, […]

Grandma’s Kitchen – Promoting the Mediterranean diet across generations

“Grandmother’s Kitchen – Healthy Eating, Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship” is a community project that aims to promote sustainable food, based on the principles and products of the Mediterranean Diet. It recovers and reinterprets the traditional Alentejo recipes of the grandmothers, with products produced in the Network of Collaborative Vegetable Gardens in Mértola, in an organic way […]

TerritorialMED Project – Safeguarding and Enhancement of the Mediterranean Diet in the regions

Traditional Algarve nativity scene can be seen at the Old School of Santa Rita

In 2013 UNESCO defined the Mediterranean Diet in Portugal as intangible cultural heritage of humanity. In Alentejo region, the largest region in mainland Portugal, representing one third of the territory, traditions, festivities, gastronomy, natural heritage, are a evidence of the Mediterranean Diet and part of its historical and sociocultural roots. This video was produced by […]

Eighth Mediterranean Diet Fair – Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity

Arquivo fotgrafico CM Tavira

The Mediterranean Diet Fair has returned to Tavira! Held between the 8th and 11th of September, the Mediterranean Diet Fair returned, bringing the Historic Centre of the city to life after a two-year break over the pandemic. Back for 2022, the Mediterranean Diet Fair has brought new exhibits and events.  ©DRAPAlgarve ©fotografia Facebook sandrosantos This […]

The Power of Museums

To celebrate and pay homage to the power of museums in communities, the Network of the UNESCO Emblematic Communities of the Mediterranean Diet launched a joint initiative with the goal of exploring the potential of museums through three lenses: The power of achieving sustainability The power of innovating on digitalization and accessibility The power of […]
