Category Archives: Croatia

Mediterranean Diet in the Village of Bogomolje on the Island of Hvar

As well as any other village in the eastern part of the island of Hvar, so is the village Bogomolje very difficult to catch in a single take. It seems huge, stretched along a narrow and very uncomfortable old road that almost does not connect, but separates the two parts of the island. The village […]

A Century and a half old Weather Chest

The island of Hvar was entered in the weather map some 150 years ago thanks to the tireless and enthusiastic local researcher Grgur Bučić, who was among other things, the founder of the Hvar weather station back in 1858. Bučić worked as a postman, but he dedicated his whole life to sciences, from archaeology to […]

Climate Change on the Island of Hvar

To be able to understand the climate change, it is necessary to monitor and measure data in one area continuously over a period of thirty years. Since the continuous weather measurements at the global level started approximately 150 years ago, the island of Hvar is one of the lucky places in this respect, and we can […]

Our Lady of Health and St. Prosperus – patrons against the famine

The Feast of the Assumption of Virgin Mary (known locally as Velika Gospa), celebrated on 15 August, reminds people of the importance of family gatherings and gatherings of indigenous people even at the peak of the tourist season when people are usually very busy and do not have time for each other.There are a few […]

Collard* Stew with Beans and Asparagus

Ingredients homemade (pork) sausage spring onions wild onions garlic parsley tomato puree fava beans asparagus collard (leaves and stalks) red beans spices Preparation Sauté spring and wild onions, garlic and parsley in olive oil, add sausage but in small pieces, fava beans and asparagus stalks. Cut the collard into pieces and blanch in hot water. […]

Η Πιο Ιερή Νύχτα Στο Νησί Hvar

There is nothing so strongly, deeply, and intimately inscribed in the very core of the inhabitants of the island of Hvar and in the deepest point of our identity as Holy Week, especially the procession called “Za križen” (Following the Cross). Actually, there are six separate processions that visit the six villages in the inland […]

World Wetlands Day – 2 February

For thousands of years, wetlands in the Mediterranean have provided people with water, food, building materials, fertile soil, navigation, and energy. Areas with a water source were a prerequisite for life, so there were developed today’s cities, such as Stari Grad on Island Hvar in Croatia, Tavira in Portugal, and Soria in Spain. Next to […]

Food Traditions on the Islands of Brač and Hvar

The Mediterranean dietary model forms the basis of the entire culinary system of the islands of Brač and Hvar. The interrelationship between natural resources and human needs and, consequently, human skills, is reflected in the diet of the inhabitants of these islands. Despite some slight variations, there are two distinct diets typical of both islands […]
