Author Archives: Easter.Unesco

Goat Tajine with Seasonal Vegetables (Tajine de Vivande de Chevreau)

Ingredients : 750g kid meat 250 g green beans 250g Zucchini 250g Potatoes 250g Carrots 100 g Red pepper 100g onion Parsley 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric 1/2 teaspoon salt Pepper powder Olive oil This tagine can be served with: Seasonal salad: Tomato Onion Lettuce ½ spoonful of olive oil ½ spoonful of lemon juice Bread […]


A traditional dish from Southern Italy, the name literally means – water and salt. Recipes vary but it is typically made with stale bread and tomatoes.  This recipe comes from the tradition of fishermen who, in the past, while going at sea for days, had to carry ingredients that could last for a long period […]

Collard* Stew with Beans and Asparagus

Ingredients homemade (pork) sausage spring onions wild onions garlic parsley tomato puree fava beans asparagus collard (leaves and stalks) red beans spices Preparation Sauté spring and wild onions, garlic and parsley in olive oil, add sausage but in small pieces, fava beans and asparagus stalks. Cut the collard into pieces and blanch in hot water. […]

The Power of Museums

To celebrate and pay homage to the power of museums in communities, the Network of the UNESCO Emblematic Communities of the Mediterranean Diet launched a joint initiative with the goal of exploring the potential of museums through three lenses: The power of achieving sustainability The power of innovating on digitalization and accessibility The power of […]
