Mediterranean Diet Recipes

Carob Pudding

By Ana Mercês Sota Ingredients: 15 ml of milk6 eggs200 g of demerara sugarGrated orange zest2 tbsp of alfarroba flour1 tbsp of cornflourCinnamon to taste100

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A very summery traditional Spanish recipe One of the typical dishes of Mediterranean cuisine is the Gazpacho, originally from the autonomous community of Andalusia.This “cold

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Stuffed Escarole

Stuffed escarole (or scarole ‘mbuttunata) is a typical Cilento recipe for the Winter Holiday period. A delicious recipe in which the escarole is Stuffed with

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A traditional dish from Southern Italy, the name literally means – water and salt. Recipes vary but it is typically made with stale bread and

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Recipe from the book Dalmatian cooking by Dika Marjanović Radica Ingredients 5 dkg yeast25 dkg sugar16 dkg butter (or pork fat)8 eggs¼ L milkzest of

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Moroccan Bessara / Assida

The Chefchaounais prepare Bessara which is a delicious salted mash of dried beans, crushed and seasoned with olive oil and cumin, salt, onion and sometimes spiced with hot pepper.

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Ganotes (Pan Fruits)

Doughs fried in olive oil and then sweetened with honey or sugar, and in some cases filled with creams that have been part of our kitchens since the Middle Ages and come from Sephardic cuisine.

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Olla Podrida (Spanish Stew)

This stew maintains its old name “Olla podrida” (rotten pot) understood as a pot enriched with meats, legumes, mostly chickpeas, although in some cases beans are great protagonists and vegetables.

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