- 1 ½ kg of free-range chicken
- 2 big dry onions, finely chopped
- 3 big mature tomatoes, finely chopped
- ¼ teacup of parsley, finely chopped
- ¼ teacup of dill, finely chopped
- 2 leeks, cut into thick slices
- 1 kg of okras
- ¼ teacup of olive oil
- salt, pepper

Heat the oil up into a casserole and saute the onion. Remove it with a perforated ladle. Then in the same oil sauté the chicken, and cut into portions. Put the browned onion into the casserole and add tomato, salt, pepper, 1 ½ glass of water and cook the chicken for about 30 minutes.
Put the leek in a clay pot and spread on top the okras, the chicken with the sauce, and finally, the dill and the parsley. Cover the clay pot with its lid and put it into a pre-heated oven, at 180ο, for about an hour. When it is almost cooked, remove the lid and let the food brown a little more. Put some extra fresh parsley.