Mediterranean Diet: Scientifically reaffirmed as the healthiest, most sustainable eating pattern

The XIV International Mediterranean Diet Conference demonstrates, through
scientific evidence, the Mediterranean Diet’s fundamental pillars and the need to
promote its adherence.

The update of the Mediterranean Diet pyramid reflects an ongoing commitment to
promoting health and well-being, through the adoption of eating habits that reflect
the essential principles of the Mediterranean Diet and its lifestyle.

Barcelona, March 27, 2024 – On March 20 and 21, Barcelona became the epicenter of
debate and reflection on the future of the Mediterranean Diet lifestyle with the celebration
of the XIV International Mediterranean Diet Conference during AlimentariaHostelco.
The event, which was attended by more than 30 prestigious national and international
experts brought together more than 300 congressmen eager to explore new strategies to
promote this healthy and sustainable lifestyle and its cultural heritage.
During two intense days, key issues related to the Mediterranean Diet were addressed, from its
impact on health to its contribution to environmental sustainability and its deep-rooted
cultural importance. And, above all, it was pointed out where the next revision of the food
pyramid proposed by the Mediterranean Diet Foundation will go, given that it has not been
updated since 2010.
The president of the fourteenth International Mediterranean Diet Conference, Ramon
Estruch explains that “times have changed in recent years, especially with regard to the
frequency of consumption of some foods, and now dietary recommendations have to
include aspects related to sustainability”.

Over the next few days, the scientific committee of the Mediterranean Diet Foundation will
analyse the conclusions of this Conference, which will be presented next month, and will
carry out an exhaustive review of the Mediterranean Diet pyramid. This update reflects an
ongoing commitment to promoting health and well-being through the adoption of eating
habits that reflect the fundamental principles of the Mediterranean Diet and its lifestyle.
The event served as a platform to discuss and analyse new strategies to promote and
reinforce Mediterranean Diet in an ever-changing world. From innovative approaches in
nutrition to initiatives to preserve and disseminate the rich gastronomic heritage, providing
a comprehensive and up-to-date vision of this lifestyle.
Several international scientific studies were presented, demonstrating how Mediterranean
Diet provides health benefits, both physical and mental, especially in the prevention of all
types of chronic cardiovascular, diabetes, neurodegenerative or carcinogenic diseases. It is
essential to maintain this eating pattern, especially among younger people.

Mediterranean Diet continues to be considered the healthiest eating pattern and lifestyle
by numerous scientific societies and international organizations such as the World Health
Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
Likewise, the recent US News Report once again considers it the healthiest diet in the world.
The XIV edition of the Mediterranean Diet Conference has been organized by the
Mediterranean Diet Foundation and its scientific committee Observatory of the
Mediterranean Diet – Paralelo 40 with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries
and Food, the Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda of the Generalitat de
Catalunya, the Barcelona City Council, Alimentaria and Fira de Barcelona.

Press Release
Read more about the conference here
