Revitalgarve is a project funded by the Recovery and Resilience Plan. It aims to intervene in the areas
of production, processing, distribution, supply, organisation, commercialisation and consumption of food, respecting the principles of the Mediterranean Diet, by developing models of organisation for the
economy of the territories, recognising their diversity, natural and social capital, and helping to improve
the organisation of the production chain.
Schools play a crucial role in promoting Mediterranean Diet and the consumption of local products.
This is a key place for knowledge to be transmitted and for the development of habits and values that shape students’ futures. It’s widely recognised that improving the food provided in school canteens is an
important contribution to improving students’ health and boosting local economies.
This project aims, by September 2025, to create a proposal for a supply system for local products, with a special focus on school canteens. To succeed, in addition to work with producers to ensure the supply, it is necessary to work with canteen staff, teachers and students, so that everyone recognises the importance of adopting a local and Mediterranean food system, with seasonal food, produced
sustainably, locally and cooked according to the principles of Mediterranean Diet.
The start of the school year was the starting point for these activities with students and teachers.
The project organised a training session on the Mediterranean Diet for teachers, with the aim of providing the teaching community in the Eastern Algarve with teaching materials that can be used in the classroom to work on the Mediterranean Diet, with the aim of increase literacy on this subject among the community’s younger generations.
For students, the Escola Profissional de Alte was the first to be involved in a session that aimed to
promote healthy and sustainable eating, based on the Mediterranean Diet and the consumption of local and seasonal products. The activity ended with a moment of learning and fun with the game “Gincana Mediterrânica”. Both sessions included a “hands-on” moment with the creation of a healthy, simple, appetising and replicable snack.
In the coming months, the project will continue to work with students, teachers, school canteen staff and producers to achieve the goal of serving more Mediterranean meals in Algarve schools.
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