TerritorialMED Project – Lisbon and “Tejo” River Valley Region

Traditional Algarve nativity scene can be seen at the Old School of Santa Rita

The Seminar “Challenges for Safeguarding and Enhancement of the Mediterranean Diet in the Territories”, held on May 31, 2022, aimed to present the results of the TerritorialMED Project – Safeguarding and Enhancement of the Mediterranean Diet in the regions, funded by the National Rural Network / PDR2020, and to give visibility to the important work started to create networks between organizations for the elaboration of action plans to safeguard and enhance the Mediterranean diet in the regions.

In Lisbon and Tejo River Valley Region, the Mediterranean characteristics are present in the fundamental features of its climate, geography, cultures and expressions of collective life. Due to its privileged location, form early on it was inhabited by people of different origins, who bequeathed a rich archaeological, historical and architectural heritage

Tejo River is the main protagonist of the region, giving the Mediterranean food pattern its own characteristics, where rice, tomato and corn production are evident, and they are associated with olive groves and vineyards.

In this region, Culture and heritage have their indelible mark, evident in the know-how of our artisans, examples being tapestry and food preservation techniques.

The Mediterranean Diet is today recognised as Intangible Heritage of Humanity. It is a cultural heritage full of traditions, practices and knowledge that we want to preserve and promote.

Discover Mediterranean Diet in Alentejo region.

Discover Mediterranean Diet in Centro region.

Discover Mediterrean Diet in Algarve region.
