Readings with the Senses: A Local Approach
In Portugal, the basic school 2,3 Dr. Guilherme Correia de Carvalho, in Seia, located in the province of Beira Alta, in the Center region and sub-region of Serra da Estrela, carried out, with the support of the Municipality of Seia, through the Municipal Library and the Municipal Market, the “Casa do Sal” and the Regional Directorate for Agriculture and Fisheries of Central, the initiative “À Volta da Dieta Mediterrânica, Leituras com Sentidos: uma abordagem local“ (Around the Mediterranean Diet. Readings with Senses: a local approach), which took place at the Municipal Market of Seia, on the 4th of January 2023″
This action is aimed at parents and their representatives (and the general public) and aims to promote the sharing of knowledge about the region’s products and their connection to the Mediterranean Diet, contextualization in agricultural terms and awareness of the use of the senses through reading and tasting some products.