The Centro Operativo e Tecnológico do Arroz (COTArroz) released a detailed technical document on Rice Genetic Improvement in Portugal
This document provides an overview of advances in the genetic improvement of rice in Portugal. It explores the efforts underway to develop new varieties adapted to the soil and climate conditions of rice-growing regions, with greater productivity and resistance to challenges such as diseases, climate change, industry demands and consumer preference. The aim is to inform farmers, technicians, researchers and political decision-makers about progress in this area for the production of new rice varieties in Portugal.
The rice breeding programme in Portugal is run by National Institute for Agricultural and Veterinary Research (INIAV) and Cotarroz, in collaboration with Regional Directorate for Agriculture and Fisheries of the Centres (DRAP Centro). This close collaboration and synergy between the research institution of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, the Rice Competence Centre, producer organisations and the industry is essential for aligning the objectives of rice genetic improvement with the real needs of this sector.
With constant climate change, new challenges will arise for rice production in Portugal. The Genetic Improvement Programme will be attentive to these trends, developing varieties that are increasingly adapted to the new scenarios. In addition to productivity and quality, the Breeding Programme is also focused on incorporating sustainability features into the new varieties, such as greater efficiency in the use of water.
This technical document aims to provide valuable information and insights and will certainly contribute to the transfer of technology and knowledge, which is fundamental to the adoption of the new varieties and the continuous improvement of rice production in Portugal.