13th Intergovernmental Meeting of 7 States

13th Intergovernmental Meeting of the Representatives of the seven UNESCO Emblematic Communities of the Mediterranean Diet

Agros (Cyprus), Brač and Hvar (Croatia), Soria (Spain), Koroni (Greece), Pollica (Italy), Chefchaouen (Morocco), Tavira (Portugal).

Agros, CYPRUS, 12th December 2023

National delegations:

Cyprus: Antonis Tsolakis (Mayor of Agros), Thekla Papantoniou (Cyprus National Commission for UNESCO) and Niki Kafkalia (Representative of the Emblematic Community of Agros).

Croatia: Ada Seferagić (Bol Municipality, Croatia) and Mirna Bojić (Ministry of Culture and Media) and Jelena Ivanišević (Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research).

Greece: Jenny Kokromiti – Zacharaki and Dimitris Maniatakis (Maniatakeion Foundation / Representative of the Emblematic Community of Koroni).

Italy: Stefano Pisani (Mayor of Pollica), Sara Roversi and Camilla Carioli (Future Food Institute / Center for Mediterranean Studies “Angelo Vassallo”).

Morocco: Rahmouni Alami Saad (Chefchaouen Municipality, Morocco) and Abdelali El Bakali (Environment and Cooperation Department of CHEFCHAOUEN).

Portugal: Patricia Vidigal (Secretary of State for Agriculture – XXIII Government – Portuguese Republic), Ana Maria de Freitas e Amorim Ribes DSTAR / DDAAFA (Direção-Geral de Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Rural), Maria Custodia Correia (Head of the division of Diversification of Agricultural Activity, Training and Associations).

Spain: Marta Duarte Chacón (Ministry of Culture and Sport (Spain), Paloma Sanchez (Ministry of Culture – Spain), Carmen Cabrera (Ministry of Culture – Spain).


Introduction – President of Community Council of Agros
The Mayor of Agros, Antonis Tsolakis, opened the meeting.
He welcomed everyone connected to the meeting. He extended a big thank to the community council, and to everyone who contributed to making the meeting possible. Furthermore, he stressed the importance of close cooperation among the members of the MD Network.

Presentation of activities on the national and emblematic community level. The delegations presented reports on the activities carried out in 2022/2023. 

Read the report here.


Next Coordinator of Common Actions

The Mayor of Cyprus ends the year of coordination that passes, with the approval of all participants, to Portugal.

Niki Kafkalia concluded by thanking everyone who participated both in person and remotely. The meeting ended with best wishes for Portugal’s leadership and an acknowledgment of the importance of continued efforts within the network.


Before ending the meeting it was made a short recap on opportunities and proposals for the next year:  

1) Invitation of the Emblematic communities to the event: Mediterranean Diet Global Summit 14-15 November 2024, taking place at the University Federico II – Naples, 16-17 November 2024 in Pioppi – Pollica – Cilento.

2) Invitation to the Mediterranean Diet Global Ambassadors 2024, involving the EC to the Selection Process, and the Award + Gala in November 2024.

3) School Initiative, involving for each emblematic community:
1 elementary school and 1 high school, identify focal points for each local school and define a schedule of digital and in-person initiatives where to pilot an initial joint program.

4) Joint Report & Research initiative:

  • Commitment to the protection of biodiversity and knowledge; 
  • Impact of Climate Change on Med Diet adoption and Agricultural production.

5) Voices of the Mediterranean Diet Live:
Live interviews with testimonials of the Mediterranean diet, knowledge keepers, chefs, scientists, and producers from all emblematic communities on Instagram and YouTube.

6) Intergovernmental Meeting 2024 will take place in Tavira.
